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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children' gave the following results:

9642 matches in tracks
  1. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (02:46)
    from Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
  2. Playful Peregrines (01:09)
    from Life Of Birds, The
  3. Miss Jones comes home (05:40)
    from Devil In Miss Jones, The
  4. Miss Jones Comes Home (05:40)
    from Devil In Miss Jones, The
  5. Children’s Home (04:12)
    from Blizhnij Krug
  6. Children's Home (00:00)
    from Blizhnij Krug
  7. I Miss You/Walter Home Movies/Goodbyes ** (05:32)
    from Dog Days
  8. Do They Miss Me At Home (02:32)
    from Gettysburg
    vocal by John DuRant
    from Three Fugitives
  10. My Christmas Tree (02:36)
    from Home Alone 2: Lost In New York
    Performed by The Home Alone Children's Choir
  11. Selfish Mytyl/Come O Children One And All/Returning Home With The Bird (07:32)
    from Blue Bird, The
  12. Peculiar (00:55)
    from Dexter
  13. Something Peculiar (01:14)
    from What The Deaf Man Heard
  14. Peculiar Parenting (02:54)
    from Lost
  15. Peculiar Parenting (02:54)
    from Lost
  16. Peculiar Operation (02:02)
    from Cin Cin
  17. Peculiar Primates (01:14)
    from More Dinosaurs
  18. A Very Peculiar Priest (03:22)
    from I Sell The Dead
  19. Peculiar Operation (03:02)
    from Pino Donaggio Et Le Cinéma Italien
  20. Peculiar Operation (03:02)
    from Banchieri Di Dio, I
Show all 9642 matching tracks